"A new born babe brings
Light to the cottage,
Warmth to the hearth,
And joy to the soul,
For wealth is family
And family is wealth."
~Irish Proverb
Glimpses of my family and thoughts on mothering as I tend our home and hearth.
You can summarize Charlotte’s approach to education in three words. Charlotte believed that “Education is an Atmosphere, a Discipline, a Life.” By “atmosphere,” Charlotte spoke of the environment our children grow up in. She knew that the ideas that rule our lives, as parents, will have a profound impact on our children. “The child breathes the atmosphere emanating from his parents; that of the ideas which rule their own lives” (Vol. 2, p. 247).
By “discipline,” Charlotte emphasized the importance of training our children in good habits—habits that will serve them well as they grow. In fact, she likened good habits to railroad tracks that parents lay down and upon which the child may travel with ease into his adult life. Good habits are a powerful influence on our children and must play an important part in their education. “It rests with [the parent] to consider well the tracks over which the child should travel with profit and pleasure” (Vol. 1, p. 109).
By “life,” Charlotte wanted to remind us that “all the thought we offer to our children shall be living thought; no mere dry summaries of facts will do” (Vol. 2, p. 277). And the methods that Charlotte used presented each subject’s material as living ideas. Here is where the reading, writing, and arithmetic come in, along with all the other school subjects. But notice two important points: first, they are presented as living thoughts; and second, those school subjects occupy only one-third of the big picture of education.
Some of the key methods include using "living books" as opposed to dry, factual textbooks. Living books are usually written in a narrative style and really make the subject “come alive.”
~ G.K. Chesterton
1. New mercies every morning
2. Enough grace for today
3. Morning hugs from my husband and children
4. Walks with the kids on crisp autumn mornings
5. Seeing my little boy learning to love and enjoy books
6. Daily Light
7. Setting the clocks back and getting an extra hour of sleep in the morning
8. Kids eating cereal together and being silly and laughing
9. Grace giving up her stool for Moses to sit on
10. Cuddling and nursing Moses in the early morning
11. Sweet open-mouthed baby kisses
12. My unborn child, alive and moving inside me right now
13. Hot coffee in my favorite mug
14. The kids playing with balloons together
15. Grace playing "archaeologist" with cans of food, proving she is listening during school and even finds it interesting!
16. Flowers from my husband
17. Spending an afternoon with my mom and brothers
18. Rubbing feet with my husband in bed
19. Rocking my "baby" to sleep for his nap
20. A little voice calling out, "Mama, Mama".
"As the moments slip down the hour glass of time, I am scratching down the gifts---just as they happen, as they arrive, as they are unwrapped---that He has given that make my life grace, the daily graces that He gives in an infinite number of ways, that stir me.
I am seeing things I have never seen before, attuned and aware of this constant, endless stream of gifts from His hand. I am one waking from slumber....from the stupor of indifference and ignorance. I have sight, fresh and keen---the world is new and full of His gifts."