
Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer Recap Two - August Version

Here's our August fun!

Richard's brother and sister-in-law and their twin girls came to visit! The cousins are the same age as Clementine, and it was super fun to have them over! Of course everyone packed into the pool.  =]

Grace was big sister/cousin extraordinaire, and kept all the Littles happy with bubbles

Look at those three adorable little girls! (And one sweet big girl. And a handsome boy.)

I made some wool diaper covers for Clementine out of recycled sweaters. Got a little fancy on this one.

Off to catch butterflies in a new wool soaker!

These three are just hilarious. You'll have no idea what they're talking about here unless you've ever played a computer game called Zoombinis. But it captures just how much of a little parrot Clementine is!

We spent even more time in the pool and backyard!

Clementine figured out how to push herself on the swing.

We went to church and the boys helped their little sister in a very adorable way.

BIG NEWS!! We were surprised to have this little one discovered lodging in Mama's tummy! We're expecting him or her to appear in early April 2012. 

I *love* this little clip of someone that doesn't really resemble a baby yet, but definitely has a beating heart!!  

 We had a bonfire in our fire pit and enjoyed S'mores!

Richard fanning the flames... our wood was a little damp

Clementine took charge of the marshmallows

Judah had the chocolate

Finger-lickin' good!



Not the greatest picture but don't these two look like twins in it? I usually don't see the resemblance so strongly.

Grace and I attempted to make roasted apples in the coals. Charred apples would be understating what we ended up with.

The sisters hung out by the fire

Moses pushed Judah on the swing while waiting for another S'more

Contemplating the fire

 We haven't done the State Fair since Moses was a newborn. It's just not quite our thing. (The amount of money dropped to go, the crowds, the sick tummies from eating too much fried food on a stick...) But we DID go to this Threshing Show in a more rural town northwest of us. Free to get in (thanks to a friend with an extra family voucher), a few greasy food stands but not too much, much smaller crowds, and still a lot of fun things to see and do!

This wagon is worth it's weight in gold.

Going to see the steam-powered saw mill!

This thing was powering the saw mill

They had a pioneer area where the kids got to try their hand at pioneer games and chores

Grace was really good at the hoop rolling!

Doing laundry the old-fashioned way!

Grace was quite good at it! We'll be fine if we ever have to live like pioneers.

A really cool decked-out chuck wagon.

Grinding wheat into flour

Judah took this very seriously, of course.

Pumping water

"Here Papa, wash your hands!"

We watched the steam-powered rock crusher for a while but the kids liked climbing the rock pile better.

This was their favorite - riding the miniature steam train!

This was a really fun day and I think we'll go again in the years to come!

A couple miscellaneous pictures:

I completed one of the several hundred home decorating projects I'd like to do. These pretties went into our bedroom. I got the huge embroidery/quilting hoops at Goodwill for 99¢ each and used them to frame some pretty Amy Butler fabric. I can't wait to paint our walls next!!

Moses got a tattoo and he's really tough and cool

Three little cuties with scruffy hair!!

What can I say about this girl??

She's adorable.

More playing in the backyard:

Grace was teaching the boys the art of swordplay (her words)

They killed Grace

"Sissy, are you okay?"

After a long day playing outside, it's nice to take a break and read a book with Papa.

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