
Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer Recap One - July Version

Wow, 1 post in post in August. It's been busy and blogging has taken a very backseat! But I do want to recap some of the fun we've had this summer!

Here's July, briefly:

(Okay, this is technically the end of June, but I had to add it.)
Richard brought home a turtle he found at work.

One little boy thought it was wonderful.

 July 4th weekend, we spent up north with my side of the family. Since our kids are getting bigger, there's not room for us to board with family members so we stayed in this fabulous lodge. It was a great weekend!!

The little goofballs, ready for the day

Richard and the boys went fishing with Grandpa Mike

Big catches!

Enjoying the pontoon ride

Coffee, anyone?

The proud fishermen!

We got a lot of use out of our little kiddy pool in July! It was HOT out! Sometimes the kids would get dressed in the morning and head right into the pool. I made an observation this year: I do a lot of laundry in the summer.

 Richard brought the work truck home with a load of dirt and we did some landscaping out front, in order to resolve a wet basement problem we've been having! Good thing we have such strong helpers.

Ready to start digging dirt and raking rocks!

In the dirt pile....

Clementine wants to help too

They LOVE the work truck
Working together to maneuver the wheelbarrow

Grace had to leave us for a week of vacation with her dad. We missed her terribly.

This girl is sweetness itself.

Papa and Clementine enjoyed some quality time

We ate outside a lot, we played outside a lot, and we generally enjoyed our backyard to a great extent!

Clementine has learned to leave her hair decorations alone (mostly) and I had fun "doing" her hair. She seemed to appreciate it too!

We went to this great, FREE, wading pool/park in Minneapolis a couple times. Super fun!!



So that's what I have recorded in photographs for July! We've spent so much time enjoying our backyard, walks to the library and the park. We've done a lot of bike riding too, thanks to our new set of bikes! (See this post). Richard celebrated his last birthday in his 30's in July as well.

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