
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


 Boy, I just haven't had time to post anything other that a few pics here and there. No family updates, and certainly not any interesting or informative if you read this blog for anything more than pictures of your grandkids (Mom), I'm sorry you've been bored out of your gourd for the last couple months. But to stick with the theme, here's a bunch of pictures!!

My kids' cousins Jesse (21 months) and Sylvia (4.5 months) are such dears! Jesse and Clementine are only 10 weeks apart and are really starting to "discover" each other as playmates. It's pretty cute! And Jesse is learning a lot about WRESTLING from his two boy cousins as well. Sylvia is adorable and sweet, and Moses especially can't get enough of her! Moses loves babies. You might not think my sword-fighting, monster-killing, lightsabering Jedi would be a baby man, but he is.

So here's some pics of the cousins together:
This was Grace's horse when she was little.

I love Moses underneath...

This cracks me up!

Here's all the cousins together! I love Judah's smile in this one. And Mo's. And Grace's.

Judah!! Seriously cracks me up. Look how cute Jesse is.

Love Sylvia's smile!! And Moses holding her hand. Very sweet.

And there's Jesse's big cheesy grin. What a cute bunch of kids!

My mom reading books to Sylvia, Moses and Clementine

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