
Friday, April 8, 2011


It's been a long, long, long, long, long, long winter here. Did I mention it's been long? I know we've ranked in the top 5 snowiest winters of all time here! There have been SO many blizzards! Actually, the last little pile of snow melted from our yard yesterday. It's inched up to around 60° for a few days now and Moses has been begging me to fill up the kiddie pool! I understand, though. I'm so ready for spring to be here, for daily walks to the park with the kids, lots of playing in our big backyard, grilling on the deck, and not having to spend 20 minutes getting winter gear on every time we go somewhere!

Well here's some pictures of the kids enjoying this spring weather the last couple of days:

This is the Fun Tree - climbing holds, swings and trapeze rings!
Judah, busy with his own stuff.

Moses is swinging and shooting....

shooting and swinging...

Got 'im!

Now back there!

And over there!

I think I got 'em all.

Off to fight more bad guys...

C'mon, Judah!

What a cutie!

Digging through the toy chest, rediscovering all the fun summertime toys!

What's in here?

Judah's off to fight, play, discover....

Smile for Mama

Clementine gives Moses a friendly shove....

She's been wanting to play outside all winter!!

Get out the summer hats!

A little Huck Finn.

Shirtless in 58° weather! Moses always was my sweaty child
Watch that first step, it's a doozy!

Made it!
Hi Papa!

Judah loves his engineer hat!

Time to get out the gas pump!

Clementine discovered the popper thing...
"Ball!" How do I get those out??

This is fun!

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