
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful....

Ice dams on the roof. Twenty feet of snow everywhere. Plowing at 2am. Driving 4 kids across town every morning. Missing fun things because of bad weather. Days and days of below-zero weather. Fender-benders. This is our life in a Minnesota winter right now.... I'm sure most of you can commiserate!
Grace voluntarily went out and shoveled a path to the garage and the compost bin! What a girl.

Richard's job with the city means he has a plow route and so far this winter he has had days and days and days of plowing, many times starting between 2 and 4 am. Yuck. And when he's done working, he comes home and shovels or clears off the roof.

Richard's Plow

I told him I'd take care of the shoveling while he's out plowing.

I got half of the driveway shoveled and he went and bought a snow blower.

Smart man.

I miss grilling on the deck and sipping wine in the evenings watching the stars... 
I feel like complaining. A lot. So I'll just end it here.

1 comment:

  1. I always love your writing and your pictures, Melissa!

    SO GLAD he bought the snow blower. I bet Bryan is jealous ;)

    I love to see how you love and honor your man.

    Yeah. It really is 2 COMPLETELY different worlds here (winter vs. summer). You've gotta be so equipped for both extremes!! Well...maybe y'all can snuggle in front of the fire with your wine for the next 3-4 months? :) Love you, lady!


Thanks for the love!