
Monday, December 28, 2009

The Cutest Baby on the Block

I am Clementine. I am cute.

And I smile.

I like to look at my sister.

She walks around and calls my name...

...and I follow her with my eyes.

I like to look at my Mama too.

She makes me smile.

And coo.
I have big cheeks. Sometimes they call them jowls.
I have a double chin, too, but you'll have to keep looking to find a picture of that.

* * * * * * * *

This is Mama's all-time favorite outfit of mine. She is sad that I'm outgrowing it!

Oh how I love you, Sissy!
You always make me laugh!
(Now do you see my double chin?)

I really love my big sister! I can't wait to be big like her.
Mama said Sissy wore this outfit when she was a baby!

I like to chill with Papa.
(Check it out, I'm wearing that outfit again. Mama's a bit obsessive.)
I like to watch my brothers, too.

Mama makes me wear this hat. I do look pretty cute in it...
This bib was from Papa's co-workers. They're nice.
Sometimes I just fall asleep in Sissy's arms.I love my family, but they sure wear me out.


Thanks for the love!