
Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Long Day is Over - Clementine's Birth Pt. 2

Part two of Clementine's birth. Read her birth story here.

All photos by Megan Quist Photography.


  1. WOW! thanks for these - (although you could have left out the freaked out grandmother - she was a little over the top, don't you think?) You need to send these to a homebirth site - what testimony.

  2. Mom, you were wonderful and not at all freaked out! Any grandmother would be excited and amazed to be at the birth of a new grandchild. :). Thank you so much for being a part of Clementine's birth.

  3. LOVED IT.

    Made me cry and smile and thank GOD for a beautiful birth, as it should be. Every time a new photo came up, I thought, Ooh, I'll comment on that one! And on and on. But I do especially love the one of her feet in your hands. And the one of your mom worshiping (at least that looks like what she's doing, and seems like something that should be done at a birth!). Oh, and all the ones of Judah looking completely bewildered and in awe.

    Thanks for sharing these. I can not believe you have the time or the mental capacity to put something like that together!

    Clementine's birth brings out your beauty.


  4. I love it Melissa! Thank you so much for sharing this! Your home birth looks so peaceful and lovely, being able to be in your bed and have your children there after the birth! Oh how I wish we had a midwife here!

  5. They're beautiful! I love her birth story - the story itself and how it's written!


Thanks for the love!