
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Grace's 10th Birthday Party

Every year since Grace has been about 4 years old, we've gone to the MN Horse Expo for her birthday. It's usually the week after her birthday, and she loves it. She's a girl, and it's horses. Enough said. So the last 2 years we've taken a group of her friends with, and they love it, too. They're girls, and it's horses, after all! Here's some pictures from this year:

I didn't get any pictures of the girls riding the horses,
but here's Moses petting a sweet little pony.

And trying to feed a sheep some sawdust bedding.

Moses enjoyed the pony ride.

Unfortunately he got put on the oldest, mangiest pony there.
Two hooves in the glue factory.

All by himself! What a big boy!

When we got back from the expo, the girls tried their swings on the pinata.

This is how it ended. Handfuls of candy!

Judah enjoyed the fun.

Moses gets his party face on!

Now he's wondering why he's not getting to open any presents!

A new sewing box for Grace

Just what I always wanted!

It was a fun day, the weather was beautiful, and Grace felt loved on her special day.

1 comment:

  1. There's a MN Horse Expo? How did I not know about that? My kids would have loved it!

    I'm glad your daughter had such a great birthday. It looked like a lot of fun. :-)


Thanks for the love!