
Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Judah!!

"What could be more astonishing to witness than
the growth of her own children
from infant enigmas to their complex and definite,
yet ever-changing selves."

~Elizabeth Cunningham

I am astonished that a whole year has passed since our sweet Judah was born, right here in this house! And here he is, walking, dancing, laughing, playing jokes, rough-housing with Moses, reading books with Grace... *sigh*

Is every mother amazed by how quickly that first year flies by, and how in the blink of an eye their tiny baby grows to be a "complex and definite, yet ever-changing" little person?

Judah has grown to be a sweet-natured, curious, tough, happy, feisty, observant, joyful little boy. I am so thankful for every day I have been given with him! My heart overflows with love for this wonderful little boy.

In honor of Judah's first birthday, here's a montage of images from his first whole year of life. Thank you for being a part of his life, and ours!


  1. Melissa,
    I just read Judah's birth story. It was so amazingly written!!! That's one you should submit to Mothering mag or something similar. Wow! I've been wanting to hear more about how you guys felt about homebirthing after your loss of Matthias. I want a homebirth again, but am scared. Of course, I think I'm scared of labor in general, no matter where it happens. Thanks for sharing this. Happy 1st Birthday Judah!

  2. Beautiful video...precious smiles, precious boy! Thank you for sharing it with us.



    (and, was that footage of him clobbering his big bro Moses in the kitchen?? :))


Thanks for the love!