
Monday, July 28, 2008


I love thrifting. I love finding a great deal on something cool or something I needed for the house. I love seeing my kids getting grass stains on their clothes and thinking, that's okay, I bought it for $1 at the thrift store!

I went to Unique Thrift Store the other day looking for some damask napkins for a project. Didn't come home with napkins, but I did find these great items:

A set of Pottery Barn dishes!
Ten dinner plates for 80¢ each, 8 smaller plates for 40¢ each, and 5 mugs for 80¢ each.
I was super pumped about these, because I've broken so many dishes in the last year. We don't have a dishwasher and I end up chipping or cracking or down-right breaking dishes while washing them quite frequently. So now we just have to find some matching bowls.

This sweet little teacup and saucer.
I'd like to get a "set" of mismatched teacups and saucers to complement my growing teapot collection.

I recently broke my only glass pitcher (I was serious when I said I break dishes regularly) and so it was exciting to find this pretty Pyrex glass pitcher. This was brand new with the "instruction" booklet still attached to it, so I had to pay $8.80 for it. A lot for a thrift buy, but still a great deal.

Those of you who know me well know about my Classic Pooh obsession.
I got this heavy resin frame for $2.40. It's going on the table in my "nursing nook".

I got this poster for 80¢. It's by one of my all-time favorite illustrators, Jessie Wilcox Smith. I tried to find out what it's called but couldn't find this particular print anywhere online. I'd love to get it framed and hung next to Mo and Judah's beds. Isn't it sweet?

Anyone else enjoy thrifting? Where is your favorite place to shop? What are some of your best finds?



  1. OHH!! These were all so GREAT!! I ADORE THRIFTING!! A favorite buy - a white ceramic compost pail that looks a little like a fire hydrant, with a cover, that is so nice it can sit on the counter next to the sink and no one thinks "ewwww! compost!" Another favorite buy: a stuffed chair perfectly suited for Felicity, my granddaughter's doll. Oh - did I forget to mention I'm your mother? It must be genetic :) !!

  2. LOL! I think it is genetic, mostly passed down on the female side, since my mother and sister do it too. Favorite finds...well, I pick up new favorites just about every Saturday, out on the garage sale trail. Love the dishes. All of mine are mismatched and I too love not having to worry about my possessions because they cost so little.

  3. This is too funny - it certainly does run in the family! I've recently discovered "Texas Thrift" - much like "Unique." Every major holiday Texas thrift has a 1/2 off sale. On Memorial Day I came home with 8 shirts (all VERY nice work blouses) for 5 bucks! My 2 favorite finds were a J.Crew dress I wore to the rehearsal dinner for my wedding and a very nice black evening gown I got when I was in a friends wedding (although I must admit the evening gown was from a consignment store. I've since learned that consignment shopping is a favorite past time for Dallas women. There was an in-house tailor at one of them!) Ooohhhh, I just thought of these two! The beautiful secretaries desk I got at the North Oaks garage sale for $20! and a full set of bronze flatware. I suppose the list could continue. . .

  4. I love you. Seriously. I buy EVERYTHING at thrift stores or garage sales. I love your dishes! That is an AWESOME find! Unique is my favorite place. 80% of my clothing comes from there. Which one do you go to? I go to the one in New Hope and the one in Northeast Minneapolis. I also like ARC in Brooklyn Center. I've thought about doing posts on thrift store finds, I've only done one about a dresser that I found for my daughters room at Hidden Treasures. Have you been to that one yet? I usually only buy name brand stuff at thrift stores too....the only way I can afford it. Recently I was at a garage sale in Minneapolis and the woman was selling clothes....all my size. Express, JCrew, Gap. Each item was a dollar! We've done Craigslist too. I recently found a pair of Chacos sandals ($90 new) for $30 and they were the exact ones I had been eyeing. We also got a refrigerator and some dining room chairs on Craigslist. It's hard to ever buy something new anymore. I really try to honor God with our finances and even though we buy most of our things "used" I have to be careful that it doesn't become an idol (this is what I have been convicted of in the past). Okay, that was a really long comment. It's just always fun to find someone else who likes a good thrift store! :)

  5. Wow you did awesome. I wish that store was close to me.

    I'm a bit jealous of your Pottery Barn finds :)

  6. Wow, apparently it IS genetic!

    Mom, I was going to ask you where you got that compost pail, cause I need one and yours is so cute! Also, Grace picked up ANOTHER chair for Felicity at Unique - this one is wicker.

    Steph, I realized that the teacup and saucer I just bought are by the same company that made the ones I gave you for your wedding shower! Yours is the "Harvest Time" line and mine is the "Fruit Sampler." How fun! I think your desk is the ultimate score, seriously.

    Tiffany, I think about 80% of our clothes are thrift or consignment, too. I go to the Unique in New Brighton. Do you like the Mpls one? I should check it out. I remember your post about the dresser for Jeneva - that was an awesome score! I need to try Hidden Treasures sometime in the near future. You should really post about your finds. I LOVE seeing what other people pick up for a buck. :) But yeah, it can be a struggle at times. Sometimes I have to remind myself that just because it's a deal doesn't mean I should buy it!!

    The dishes from Pottery Barn are hard to beat. That's God telling me He loves me!!


Thanks for the love!