
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More of the Kids

Well, this isn't the kids, obviously, but I love thunderstorms. Here's another one moving in.

Grace is SUCH a wonderful big sister to Judah. Very motherly. :)

My three munchkins.

Judah is 4 months old! I just can't get enough of him - he's so sweet and easy-going, besides being adorably cute. His cheeks are incredibly soft and smooth and plump and warm; I think I kiss him there several hundred times a day. He smiles so easily and has started treating us to these deep belly laughs at the least provocation.

He's also gone mobile! While not exactly crawling, he scoots around quite a bit. I was shocked the first time I set him down on his tummy and looked back at him a couple minutes later and he was a couple feet away! The other two kids didn't start moving around until about 6 months. I don't think I'm ready for him to be self-propelled yet!

Judah is The Happy Baby. That's just the best way to describe him. I'm a little sad that I don't have as much time to sit and gaze into his eyes and babble with him and play little baby games like I did with Grace and Moses when they were his age. Part of the problem is that he's so content! And when he finally does start asking to be picked up and held, he acts so grateful and is instantly pleased. Maybe it's accentuated by the fact that I've acquired a rather demanding, intense 2 year old recently. :)

My little Twins fans! We haven't been to a game yet this year, but are hoping to go soon! Moses and Grace have both enjoyed going to baseball games. Go Twins!
(Sorry, Chris)


  1. I can't believe how old the boys look! And Grace with her missing teeth and adult one's coming in! I am very glad for you that Judah is an easy going baby. Happy 4 month birthday, Judah!
    Love you guys!
    Aunt Steph

  2. Moving! AHHH! Joe is just barely starting to move a bit... but he's cutting his second tooth. Ephrim was my easy going baby. I'm so glad that he's being easy on you when you have so much going on and Richard is working crazy hours!

  3. They just all look so much alike! Beautiful. I still haven't even met Judah! So sad...

  4. I especially love the bath pictures! Cute! Oh, I LOVE thunderstorms too. Good pics!


Thanks for the love!