
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Love Fall


By William Cullen Bryant
AY, thou art welcome, heaven's delicious breath! When woods begin to wear the crimson leaf,
And suns grow meek, and the meek suns grow brief
And the year smiles as it draws near its death. Wind of the sunny south! oh, still delay
In the gay woods and in the golden air,
Like to a good old age released from care,
Journeying, in long serenity, away.

In such a bright, late quiet, would that I
Might wear out life like thee, 'mid bowers and brooks

And dearer yet, the sunshine of kind looks,
And music of kind voices ever nigh;
And when my last sand twinkled in the glass,
Pass silently from men, as thou dost pass.


  1. For those who have grown up accustomed to fall - I mean a real fall where leaves change to brilliant colors, "suns grow meek", and the wind begins to chill - for those people, fall will be longed for, anticipated and will finally answer some need in their very body. And when they are deprived of fall, they feel its absence most acutely. At least that has been my experience since moving to Dallas Texas - where the fall is most pathetic. Summer spreads deep into September, and oozes into October - frightfully hot. And when the air finally acquires a sort of coolness it brings no scent of fall - no crisping leaves, no dank, molding earth, no sharp, fresh air whisking down from the north. Thankfully, the cool does come - but only as a respite from the hot, not as a bringer of fall. And the leaves, the leaves simply dry, brown and fall off. Perhaps all of this is heightened because I am now in the middle of a sprawling city, where everything is on a gigantic scale - the buildings are big, the roads are big the zooming SUVs are big, and the suburbia sprawl is big.
    The hint of fall here in Texas has made me long for the Fall of Minnesota in my inmost being.

  2. That's why YOU NEED TO MOVE BACK HERE!!!!


Thanks for the love!